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Model for electrical authorization in an industrial environment

This model allows the application of knowledge, rules and methods with a view to certification for electrical risk authorization (BC / B1 / B1V / B2 / B2V / BE / BN) in an INDUSTRIAL-type environment.
Compact, to be placed on a table, this model represents a motor starter cabinet and is available in two versions (direct start / star-delta start).
The general protection by circuit breaker and the very low voltage service voltage (24Vac or 42Vac depending on the version) make the use of the model completely safe.

Selected reference HABILIT-MOT1

Selected reference HABILIT-MOT1
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• Apply knowledge, rules and methods for electrical risk certification
• Carry out practical work, wiring tasks related to electrical certification
• Perform maintenance and upkeep operations in an industrial cabinet
• Carry out consignment operations for electrical equipment
• Carry out measurement readings
• Read a direct start diagram (HABILIT-MOT1)
• Read a star-delta start diagram (HABILIT-MOT2)

Practical work provided
• Reminder on the electrical authorization
• Identification of the components of an electrical diagram
• Replacement of a fuse
• Securing for maintenance on a motor
• Consignment of a fuse holder disconnector
• Consignment of fuse holders
• Drafting of consignment and authorization documents
• Verification of the proper use of E.P.I.
• Realization of voltage / current measurements
• Replacement of an accessory

Supplied accessories
• 2 padlocks with different keys
• 2 fuse door locks lockable by padlock.

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